Portfolio: Page 3 Cognitive Event Horizon Portfolio: Page 5
Software Comm Solutions page ID icons Software Comm Solutions navigation icons S1 VIM navigation icons S1 VFM navigation icons
I C O N   D E S I G N S
Digital needlepoint.
Over the years I've created hundreds of these tiny graphics; I really enjoy working on these.
The challenge is to create distinctive icons that communicate abstract concepts, using a minimum of pixels and colors, while maintaining a consistent look and feel with the same relative level of detail in each design.
The size and need for labeling are affected by how often the user sees them, the frequency of use for the indicated functions, and the space available (after all, pixels are probably the most valuable things in the universe right now). But, like other user interface techniques and design methodologies, icons are only a useful tool; they must be viewed in context with the purpose and business of the entire interface to determine whether they are appropriate.
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