All the following questions relate to the particular dive involved in the incident. They do not, however, have to be filled out by the diver involved, but by the person observing the incident.
1. Describe the incident below. You may include the date and the year of the incident, location, weather conditions, or any other information that you feel may be helpful. Feel free to write in as much detail as you wish.
2. Whose incident was it? Yours Your Buddy's Someone Else's
3. When was it detected? Preparation During dive Descent Entry Ascent After exit
4. Did any harm result to anyone? No Yes
5. Do you think any of the following factors contributed to the incident? (You may need to check more than one.)
6. Did the incident occur while under training? No Yes
7. What influence did the incident have on the dive plan? None Delayed the dive Aborted dive Changed the plan
8. Did the incident involve (you may need to check more than one):
9. Was the diver involved: A diving student Untrained Certified Diver
10. Diver certification level: Basic Open-water Advanced Instructor Divemaster Commercial Not known
11. Diver's gender: Male Female Diver's age:
12. Which country did the diver train in?:
13. Please indicate geographical location of incident:
1. Air consumption: Ran low Octopus used Out of air Not known Not a problem Buddy breathing
2. If there had been an alternative air source (i.e. Pony Bottle, "Spare Air"), would it have helped in the situation?: Yes No Not known
3. Regulator and air supply:
City where normally serviced: Telephone number: Air consumption this dive greater than previous dives? No Yes
1. Buoyancy problem: No problem Yes, overweighted Yes, underweighted Yes, air used frequently to maintain buoyancy Yes, weight belt problem
2. Buoyancy jacket: Not involved in incident Not Worn Inflation device failed Inflation device not connected correctly Unable to vent vest to slow down Vest leaked Vest provided inadequate buoyancy Vest uncomfortable to wear Unfamiliar with its use Incorrect use
1. Dive tabled used:
2. Was a dive computer used?: